Friday, 31 August 2012

Promotional Products - Fancy Bottle Opener

And here is another suggestion for a great promotional gift. This is a bottle opener that is made in the shape of a mouth. It is actually multifunctional as you can see from the picture. This would be absolutely perfect to use as a promotional product for soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. 

Such a promotional item will significantly increase brand recognition.    Why not check out for some other cool promos.   Why not design your own bottle openers to take on the shape of your mascots or themes. contact us !

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Total Gas Station France - Promotional Baby Kits

Gas stations in France often offer promotional gifts to their clients. As you can see, TOTAL is no exception to the rule!

TOTAL is offering these baby kits to every person with a baby (less than 24 months old) who refuels at their stations.   The baby kit consists of :
Promotional products like the branded bib for example are pretty good ideas because people will bring the gift back home and re-use it which is very good for the brand recall. On the other hand, a disposable promotional item (eg. the baby swimsuit) will be thrown away directly after use, which means that it is very short-term marketing for your company. What do you think of this promotion?

If you are looking for related articles, you should check out these blogs :
A few words in French for our local readers :
Les stations essences tentent d'une manière générale de se démarquer en offrant plus qu'un simple plein de carburant. Les cadeaux promotionnels en sont la preuve, les clients préféreront s’arrêter dans une station qui offre un service, ou un objet promotionnel plutôt que dans une station qui n'en propose pas. L'essence étant un produit basique, ce n'est pas sur la qualité du produit que se joue le choix du client mais bien sur les services associés/ajoutés.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Toys R Us Promo Gift - LBX

Toys R Us, one of the largest toy store chains in the world, is currently holding a fantastic promotion. Buy LBX products in-store and receive a free gift!

LBX is a famous Japanese anime television series that is very popular in Asia. When you go to Toys R Us you will receive free stickers with any purchase of any LBX product. The stickers are of characters from the TV show:

This is a great gift (that is related to the purchased product) to give away in this cool promotion. The characters on the stickers are from the LBX cartoon. Your child can put the stickers on anything he or she wishes. In doing so, this will promote the cartoon to other children, who then in turn will be enticed into buying LBX products. This means the cartoon will be more recognized and more of its merchandise will be bought, meaning more profit to them and anywhere selling LBX goods.

So go down to Toys R Us and grab yourself some LBX products before the offer ends!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Promotional Gift Ireland- Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camp Kit and Kit Bag

Kellogg's, the famous cereals company, is running another exclusive promotion in Ireland.  This time they are giving away a free Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camp Kit and Kit Bag.

We like how Kelloggs has teamed up with the GAA for summer camps throughout Ireland. Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps provide boys and girls – between the ages of 6 and 13 – with an action-packed and fun-filled week of activity during the summer holidays which revolves around maximizing enjoyment and sustaining participant involvement in Gaelic Games. Each child receives a FREE Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camp Kit and Kit Bag.

For more promotional products in Ireland, feel free to contact Sweetspot Sourcing Ltd for more information. Check out their contact information in the promotional products company list.

Unveiling the Hottest Promotional Product Blogs 2023

As we step into 2023, the world of promotional products is evolving, presenting exciting opportunities for businesses to leave a lasting imp...